Monday, July 21, 2008

Writing Articles

Article Marketing

Article marketing is a tried and true method for
generating traffic to websites. It's been used
since the early days of the internet and it's
still as effective as ever.

A successful article marketing campaign will bring
you a flood of valuable links and a steady stream
of visitors for years to come.

How does article marketing work?

Put simply, you write articles for other websites
in exchange for a link back to your own site. You
should use different articles than the ones already
posted to your own website.

The more unique, high-quality articles you can share
the better. You'll get more backlinks and traffic,
and you'll build your reputation as an expert in your
niche. It's possible other websites may start seeking
you out for your opinion or for interviews.

How do I start my article marketing campaign?

First, write some articles (or pay someone to write
them for you) of around 300 to 600 words. Don't write
ads in disguise. Offer genuinely useful information
and tips.

You wouldn't want to publish someone else's garbage
on your site, so don't expect them to publish your
leftovers. Write separate articles specifically for
your article marketing. You should also do the same
keyword research you would do for your own website.
Also spend some time proofreading for typos and
grammatical errors.

The next step is to find places to submit your articles.
Building one-on-one relationships with other website
owners in your niche can be beneficial, but it's

Fortunately, there are many article directories which
allow you to post your articles for free. Other websites
can then publish your articles on their own sites.

There are literally thousands of such sites to choose
from, but here is a short list of some of the most
popular article directories:

Or you can use a service such as iSnare, which will
distribute your article to many different directories
for a small fee.

Hot tip - Your author's bio is vital to the success
of your article marketing campaign. You definitely
need to spend some time crafting the perfect message.

You should keep it short and punchy, but always include
the following:

1. Your name

2. Your url as (this ensures your
link will be clickable.

3. A short teaser that entices readers to visit your site.
Offer a free report or something else of value to get them
to click on your link.

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